Legal Ports of Entry

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The legal airports of entry into the Republic of Cyprus are the international airports of Larnaca and Paphos, which are situated in the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.

  • Paphos Airport is approximately a 53 minutes (72.5km) drive from the meeting venue.
  • Larnaca airport is approximately a 38 minutes (53.6km) drive from the meeting venue.

Travelers entering the Republic of Cyprus via any illegally operating airport or port in the Turkish occupied area that has been declared closed in accordance with International Law, will be in breach of national legislation of the Republic of Cyprus. You are therefore urged to travel via the legal points of entry to the Republic of Cyprus, so as to avoid the risk of facing the consequences of the law.


Traveling to the Turkish-occupied area of Cyprus

Ever since the illegal Turkish invasion of July 1974, 36% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus remails unlawfully occupied by the Turkish army (for more information). As a result of this, the government of the Republic of Cyprus which is the sole legal and internationally recognized government on the island, is not in a position to exercise effective control over the occupied areas of its territory.

If you intend to travel to Cyprus, you should be aware that the so-called “trnC”, the secessionist entity unilaterally declared by the occupation regime, has been condemned and declared illegal and invalid by the International Community through United Nations Security Council Resolutions 541/83 and 550/84.

Although currently, it is possible for foreign visitors who visit the government-controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus, to cross to the occupied areas you should be aware, that staying in properties owned by Greek Cypriot refugees who have been forced by the occupation army to flee, including hotels in the occupied area which are being illegally exploited, would put you at risk of possible legal action on the part of the owners.